Are you ready?
Oowlish 7.0
Oowlish 7.0
We are pleased to announce that Oowlish 7.0, our annual company event, is upon us! In fact, it is all around the world and it will take you places! We’ want to celebrate this moment with you – wherever you are. Save the date: November 10th! (Dieci Novembre, right?) Are you curious to know more? So you’ve come to the right place! Scroll down to get some spoilers, I mean, information on what to expect!!

What is Oowlish X.0 and why is it 7.0 now?
Every year we get together to celebrate together all of our achievements and +1 year of Oowlish
, but not only that, to show you what to look forward to in our next year. This event is broadcast live for every Oowlet around the globe.
Last year we had it at our beach headquarters, with live music and lots of interactions with people online and attending guests. Have a look at some pictures from the past event!
So, this is the concept of X.0. Next one will be 7.0 because it celebrates 6 years of history and looks forward to the seventh year. It is a very big celebration to thank you all for being the most important part in our growth.
Event Schedule
We will continue updating this section as we get closer to the event. Here you can find the latest information on our schedule!
Nothing better than the feeling of anticipation! And as the competition comes to a closing, the spirits get all fired up to discover some secrets and battle each other for even the smallest advantage on the leaderboard. So, we’ll lock our horns to decide who knows the most about Oowlish itself! Study our Booklet and earn double scores to blow the competition wide open! Not only that, we’ll take a look at the craziest conspiracy theories you’ve made up about our coveted easter eggs!!
Warm-up at Discord Channel and reception of attendees at Studio R.
Pictures, chatting and making people envy where you are and what you’re doing. No, we’re not talking about Instagram!! We’re talking about our Discord Channel, where you can send us pictures of your place, the beverages you’re having and the people you’re together with so we can all bet on what’s about to happen. For the ones attending, you can get cozy and take some pictures over there from behind the scenes to share with the Oowlets watching online.
Fasten your seatbelts! Join our Hi-Cam and say hello to your fellow oowlets as we get ready to embark on this wonderful trip! Take part on quizzes, share your questions to be made during the event and we’ll be ready to take off!!
Ha! No spoilers here, mate! Be sure to stay online over YouTube to take part in the most awesome event of the year! We’ll see you there!
Where is the magic going to happen? 
Our event will take place at Studio R, inside Merit Offices & Mall, situated at Av. Santos Dumont, 6740 – Cocó, Fortaleza – CE, 60192-022, Ground Floor. We’ll make it like a podcast live transmission, as many of you wanted us to create one. Maybe it will even become a thing, who knows?
Dress code!
The studio may get a little cold, so as long as you’re ready for that, anything goes!l! Just like the song, come as you are 😀
Challenge yourself, have
fun and win Prizes!
Are you ready to win a TRIP TO A WORLD WONDER IN LATIN AMERICA and many other prizes?

youtube broadcast link
We’ll start our bradcast at 2.30pm, Brazilian time, and you can get the link through discord!
Yeah! If you intend to bring anyone with you, talk to our People & Culture team no later than October 25th so we can make it happen.
CAN I share the event with others?
Yeah, you can invite your family and friends to watch the event with you and even send them our YouTube account for them to follow. Why? Because you want to spread how awesome the company you are a part of is! That’s why! Maybe you can even make your friends interested in working with us and get that referral bonus, right? So spread the word!
We’ll try to make it short and sweet, within 1.30h, 2h tops. But I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time. See you there!
Yes! At least we will try! XP